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Memphis, TN, United States
I'm an up and coming personal trainer that is trying to help individuals get on the "GIRGIT" healthy train. I'm learning new things everyday about working out and enjoying passing my knowledge on to everyone. I'm not always right, but I will defintly put my opinon out there. My only hope is that I help at least one person change their sedentary lifestyle.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Biggest Donor: To Fat To Donate

I read this article today from Mail Online about people being too obese to donate. In the article it states that a quarter of willing Americans who would like to donate are to large to be donors.  Out of those individuals only a small amount are able to lose the weight needed to donate. This is a sad situation for anyone who's trying to save a love one’s life, and for individuals who are waiting on their lives to be saved.   Most centers exclude living donors who have a body mass index(BMI) of 35 or above, according to MedPage. This exclusion cuts out a lot of Americans from even being considered to be a donor.
Right now 92,000 people are waiting on a kidney transplant, out of that amount 7,000 die each year waiting on a donor. As you can see, people's eating habits and sedentary lifestyles are becoming an impact on our shortage of donors, along with our future medical cost increasing from this epidemic.  I know a lot of individuals who say that change is hard and everyone cannot be skinny.  It’s not about being skinny it's about being healthy, living a long life, and being there to help family and friends. Read this article and give me your thoughts.
Facts from the article:
Sachdeva and colleagues analyzed 104 potential living kidney donors seen at their institution between 2008 and 2011. Out of the 104 only 18% had a BMI within the normal range(25 or below), while most fell into the overweight-to-obese category: 37% had a BMI between 25 and 30, and 45% had BMI of 30 or above(obese).
People need to start looking at how they are living their lives, because when one of their family members or friends need an organ most of them who want to help can’t because of how they are treating their body.

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