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Memphis, TN, United States
I'm an up and coming personal trainer that is trying to help individuals get on the "GIRGIT" healthy train. I'm learning new things everyday about working out and enjoying passing my knowledge on to everyone. I'm not always right, but I will defintly put my opinon out there. My only hope is that I help at least one person change their sedentary lifestyle.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Carbnado: My Carb-Cycle Journey

We all want to gain muscles and lose fat at the same time and I'm here to help figure out the best strategy for doing this. I hope my Carb-Cycle journey will help you Learn More. 

This Carb-Cycle journey has been very interesting towards my long term food journey. I've still got some obstacles to figure out.   I'm not eating enough food to build mass . 

When it comes to eating right, we really have to have a set plan on how we're going to achieve our goal.  Below is my eating plan so far. I got my calculations from Daily, so check it out (link below).

Low Carb Days:

Carbs: 97.5 grams
Protein: 243.75 grams
Fat: 243.75 grams

High Carb Days:

Carbs:390 grams
Protein: 195 grams
Fat: as little as possible

If you want to figure out your Carb-Cycle journey go to Daily Burn: Carb-Cycle Meal Plan to learn more and calculate your daily consumption. 

 Most people know these two things:
     1. To gain muscles you have consume excess  calories.
     2. To lose fat you must eat less calories.

This is my dilemma the food portion.  I'm eating very lean balance meals, but I'm having a hard time eating 243.7 grams of protein and fat a day on my Low-Carb days, without eating more then the 97.5 grams of carbs my calculations allowed. 

I've been mapping out my daily consumption using a excel spreadsheet and graphs below. This has been a big help on how I can analyze and improve my daily consumption of fat and protein.  I've been using MYFITNESSPAL to track my daily food intake which has also helped keep track of the items I'm eating. 

If you document what you're eating it will make your healthy eating journey go much smoother.  I do feel that I'm getting better with the "Carb-Cycle Journey" each day, but I will continue figure out the best foods to bring to work each day. 

For instance, I prep every Sunday for lunch Monday through Thursday. I try to cook every night depending on my cycle (in green).  At the beginning I started to see from my chart that I wasn't getting enough protein, so I decided to add tuna packs to my 10 o'clock am snack.  It was the best place to add more of those high-protein types of food through out my day, plus it was my smallest snack. 

I'm still learning and I know a journey should never end, so if you're a trainer, nutritionist, or another blogger who can help me figure out how to get to the 243.7 grams or if I should let me know. If you're on my twitter please like this and give me some advice.  Thanks and keep #GIRGITIing